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"Cheat Sheet" to Bills of Interest

AB 2724

Topic: Voter registration designee, high school students
Position: Watch

Initially, this bill would require private high schools, in addition to public high schools, to designate a student to coordinate voting registration. With CAPSO's intervention, this bill is no longer inclusive of private schools, though private schools are encouraged to participate if desired. 

AB 2999

Topic: Homework policy
Position: Watch

Initially, this bill would require private schools to create and implement homework policies that would be shared and to which administrators would need to ensure compliance. With CAPSO's intervention, this bill now encourage private schools to consider a policy, but only requires policies in public schools. 

SB 1378

Topic: Title IX compliant hotline on student ID cards
Position: Watch

Initially, this bill would require all private schools to publish the hotline for Title IX complaints on the back of ID cards. With CAPSO's intervention, this bill now recognizes that Title IX does not apply to most private schools and instead requires this of public schools and private schools as applicable. 

AB 1864

Topic: School notification RE local pesticide use
Position: Support

Initially, this bill would require that public schools be notified when pesticides are being used within close proximity of the school campus. With CAPSO's intervention, this bill now includes private schools in the notification. With the addition of private schools, CAPSO is supportive of this bill.  

SB 1056

Topic: Kindergarten as a prerequisite for 1st grade
Position: Watch

This legislation would require that a student complete a year of kindergarten before matriculating into first grade. The bill only applies to public schools. CAPSO is watching this bill for any potential impact on private school admissions and enrollment practices. 

SB 1345

Topic: Criminal history cannot be unilaterally used to deny employment unless it has a direct and adverse impact on position/business
Position: Watch

Initially, this bill does not appear to apply to schools, public or private, where specific legal restrictions about who may be in contact with minors are in effect. CAPSO is watching this bill for any potential impact on private school employment practices.

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