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Pursing Relief Funds for Schools

This page will be updated as additional information becomes available. Private schools are cautioned not to pursue grants or aid that have not been vetted and published on this site. 

Step 1: Pursue Site Insurance

Schools should begin the recovery process by working with the insurance company that carries the policy on the school. In some cases, this will require working with your overarching organization. 

Step 2: Consider Pursuing FEMA

Please see the FAQs and information provided below regarding FEMA

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Step 3: Consider Pursuing Project SERV 

Project SERV is a federal program that may be available to support your school with recovery. This program follows insurance and FEMA to assist with remaining gaps. Therefore, it should not be pursued until after working with insurance and FEMA, with those figures and additional needs assessed.

This program must be applied for by your public school district, and relief resources will be determined for private schools through meaningful consultation with the LEA. Please use the resources below to learn more about this program and to access support tools to initiate a conversation with your local public school district LEA about access.

Click below to learn more about Project SERV. 

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Ready to proceed?
Use the following resource to support contacting your LEA to initiate a conversation about Project SERV. 

Remember, private schools cannot apply directly for Project SERV. This program must be applied for by your public school district, and relief resources will be determined for private schools through meaningful consultation with the LEA.

Click below to access a resource/support tool to support communication with your local district LEA more about Project SERV. 

This document is being created and will be posted soon.

Step 4: Pursuing Additional Grants 

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Additional private, state, and federal grants for recovery may become available. 

CAPSO strongly recommends that private schools consult with their legal team and governance organization before pursuing any private grant to ensure its validity and appropriateness.

Should additional state and/or federal grants become available, CAPSO will investigate the programs for validity and conditions that may be attached to the pursuit of such funding. Private schools are encouraged to check the CAPSO Grant Clearinghouse Page to check the status of CAPSO-reviewed grants.

In all cases, schools are encouraged to review any conditions attached to grant funding and to confer with their legal team and governance organization.


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